Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival 11 July 2018 on Rocket Shop

Bella Ward, Ben Barron, Maggie King, and Elaina Mosher

Bella Ward, Ben Barron, Maggie King, and Elaina Mosher

A quartet from the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival (GMCMF), joined guest host Sophie Bokelman on 'Rocket Shop', Big Heavy World's local music radio hour on 105.9FM The Radiator. They played Antonin Dvorak's String Quartet in C major, Opus 61.

For more information and to find out where you can see them live visit the GMCMF website at or follow them at

Listen to a replay here or via Rocket Shop Radio Hour on iTunes or Android

Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival — 11 July 2018
Big Heavy World

Photo by James Lockridge.