The Mountain Says No At Manhattan Pizza April 14, 2016

Words by Tim Lewis.

What was the name of the band I saw last night? The Mountain Says New? After my radio show I wandered over to Manhattan Pizza and The Mountain Says No were setting up. I waited it out and soon they began with a stunning new song. It had a bit of an epic Middle Eastern Dio sort of sound. They followed with another brand new song that had a bit of a Tragically Hip feel. They kept the heavy rock going with Restaurant then played another great new song, maybe called Game OfThrones. Glazerbeam, with all of it’s spooky power followed. That one is newer than their album JV, but they have been playing it for a few months. Ricky The Rider followed with it’s funky dancey heavy rock and was fun as always. The next two songs were brand new and both had an epic rock feel. Long Term Sermon followed and kept the rock pace at maximum. They followed with I Know Right which is another new one that they have been playing for a while. It rocks hard. They finally eased off a bit and played the slower Blanket’s Fine. That one is post JV also but they have been playing it for a while. They capped the night with a wicked version of The Bomb and that was that. Before I ducked out Andrew Frappier said they pretty much had a full second album of songs ready to go. Judging from what I heard last night, I can’t wait for it

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,